Monday, January 12, 2015

Humble & Confident

I have been reading Tim Keller’s, The Reason for God.  I recommend this book.  It has challenged my thinking about my faith, and it has pushed me to consider again why I believe in Jesus.
Keller believes that Jesus, unlike most other religious teachers, never taught a new way to God.  Rather, Jesus said He was the only way to God.
This is pretty significant, though I don’t know that I ever thought too hard about it.  See, if Jesus taught some new way, then I would be obligated to learn it, study it, apply it, and try very hard to do it.  But if Jesus is the only way, then I trust that He has already paved the road.  It is not really about me, or my performance, at all; the only “good work” that matters is the work Jesus did on the cross.
I know this, yet there is a temptation to forget it now and again.  I don’t do it on purpose, and I am always sort of fuzzy on when exactly I get off course, but I can start relying more and more on my goodness as proof that I am really saved.  Sometimes I live as if I don’t know that I am saved by grace.
How could I forget something like that?
It’s a subtle shift in focus.  When I am working hard, and succeeding…
… I am not falling to the same old sins, and,
… I am not “forgetting” to read and pray, and,
… I am not struggling to connect in my relationships, and,
… Walking with God seems natural and easy…
Then, I am extremely confident, but I am not very humble.  I can be way too proud of my (usually) momentary success.  I might look down on people who struggle in areas that I has recently struggled too.  There’s a temptation to be especially judgmental on those who are different than me.  I feel very good, but I don’t feel very Christlike.
Then, of course, there’s also moments when I work hard and fail…
… I am falling into the same old sins, and,
… I am “forgetting” to read and pray, and,
… I am struggling to connect in my relationships, and,
… Walking with God seems challenging and lonely…
Then, I am extremely humble, but I am not very confident.  I wonder if I am ever going to figure this Christianity thing out.  I feel like a fraud and a hypocrite.  I assume that I will never, ever become the kind of “overcomer” that the Bible talks about.  I am aware of my need for a Savior, but I can’t imagine He could ever really change me.
But, in Christ, I can be humble and confident.  I recognize that He saved me, not because of anything I ever did (or will do).  The Cross proves, once and for all, that God is for me.  He will pay any price to bring me home.  What confidence this inspires!  I can be very bold, because if God is for me then nothing can truly knock me down.
I also recognize that all of my righteous acts piled together will never bring me closer to Him.  The cross paid the whole fare.  I can’t let Him down for I was never holding Him up.
Jesus is the way, and I am glad I am letting Him lead!

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